I can't believe that last time I posted was April 30th! Wow how time flies. I haven't forgotten about this blog, just haven't had a lot of extra time to write. Then this article, "All Joy and No fun" by Jennifer Senior, was featured on MSN and I decided it was well worth taking the time to post a short blog (or is it blog a short post:)) It was a very good read and I can say that I enjoyed it immensely for it honesty. I would recommend this article to everyone who is contemplating having children.
Having a child, for me, makes me very happy, but not in the way that I thought it would, and I'd thought about being a parent for a long time. I always tell people it is the hardest job you will ever love and I stand by that statement. My daughter is the most delightful little girl, but she is demanding, hard headed and requires a TON of patience. She is not interested at all in making me happy and it's not her job to do that, it's mine.
I stand by my belief that not everyone is cut out to be a parent, and I wish that people who have made that decision would stop being judged for it. I think it's extremely responsible to realize what you want in life and what brings you happiness and whether a child(ren) will be part of that equation or NOT.
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