Thursday, November 5, 2009

Be Happy!

I know, it's a lot easier said than done. Yes, I have had my share of trials, tribulations, losses, problems and conflicts; I've stumbled, tripped and downright fallen flat on my face; I've wallowed in self-pity, struck out in anger, and bitterly detested those who seem to have life easier than myself.

About two years ago I started reading blogs and eventually started writing one, which I retired several months ago. It was a process of self-discovery and awareness. What I discovered surprised me. Misery does love company, birds of a feather-do flock together and some people will kick you when you are down. What I also discovered was that my life was pretty easy in comparison to a lot of others, one can see a silver lining in almost any dark cloud and what doesn't kill you can make you stronger.

I once thought that simply being happy was for those who had life easy or that lived with their heads in the sand. I mean, really, with all the utter misery that surrounds us every day, how in the heck can anyone be truly happy?

I'd often wondered, how can one person go through the loss of a loved one, the diagnosis of a life altering disease, or life changing event and come out stronger, more determined and happier than before, while another person is destroyed, can no longer function, or is forever bitter? Is it character? The way one is raised? Religion? Or in fact, is ignorance bliss?

It truly amazes me how many questions there are about happiness, how many studies have been done and surveys taken. Apparently they have even managed to rank countries by happiness. Congratulations, Denmark, you seem to be happiest country in the world. But why? Is there some magic pill or some deep secret that they've discovered why the rest of us trudge away in a constant state of wanting or trying to be happy? Millions of dollars are spent on products, books and seminars that promise happiness. If you own this, weigh this, look like this or do this, you too can be happy. Really?

What if it all came down to a simple choice? How easy is it just to decide everyday that no matter what happens, what proverbial pile of dog poo you step into, you will be happy? No gimmicks, no fancy watches or new hairstyles. No life filled with perfection or roses without thorns, just a choice.

Welcome to my blog and my life of trying to make that choice.

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